Caste Conflict and Dress Change

Concept Explanation

Caste Conflict and Dress Change


India had its own strict social codes of food and dress. The caste system defined what subordinate and dominant caste Hindus should wear, eat etc. and these codes had the force of law. Changes in clothing style that threat these norms created violent social reactions.

  • Though there were no formal Sumptuary Laws in India, still it had its own strict social codes of food and dress.
  • The caste system clearly defined what subordinate and dominant caste Hindus should wear, eat, etc., and these codes had the force of law.
  • An Example of Caste Conflict :

  • Shanars of Kerala:The Shanars were a community of toddy tappers who migrates to Southern Travancore to work under Nair landlords. They were not allowed to use umbrellas, shoes or gold ornaments. Even men and women of Shanar community were not allowed to cover their upper bodies before the upper caste.
  • In 1820s, Shanar women under the influence of Christian missionaries began to wear tailored blouses like upper castes. But complaints were filed against them for dress change. Specially when shanars also refused to give free service to the upper castes. Hindu reformer like Ayya Vaikunder supported this dress reform.
  • In 1855, slavery was abolished in Travancore and caste conflict emerged among upper castes and the Shanars.
  • Finally by a proclamation of government, Shanar women were allowed to wear a jacket to cover their upper bodies, but not like women of upper castes.
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